Are Exercise, Fertility, and Pregnancy Interlinked?


In simple words, there is a link between exercise, fertility, and pregnancy. Fertility specialists at one of the best IVF hospitals in Bangalore or your locality can explain it better. However, you should have a look at what renowned institutions of the health sector say. According to the WHO, you (between ages of 18 to 64) should take moderate exercises for 150 minutes a week. These exercises can be cycling, walking, jogging, and playing sports like basketball. Further, the CDC says that physical activity might have positive and direct impacts on weight management, muscle & bone strength, and brain health. Further, it can help you lower your risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Is there any impact of exercises on your fertility?

In general, exercising is good for your health. However, you may have queries on the impact of exercises on your fertility when you think of a relation between reproductive health and exercise. Your queries are:

  • When is too much exercise a problem for fertility?
  • When does too little exercise help or hurt your fertility?
  • Can exercise enhance endocrine conditions like PCOS or irregular periods?

In simple language, health experts advise people of all ages to do workouts of light to moderate intensity. Couples willing to be parents and females with ovaries pay attention to have a physically active life. A study conducted on more than 17 000 females with no infertility history say something different. According to it, the females, who followed a low-risk lifestyle, saw a 69% decrease in their ovulatory disorders. It means ovulatory infertility is preventable with exercises and balanced diets.

You can come across a lot of evidence-based studies if you look for a connection between fertility, pregnancy, and exercise. Most of them suggest that exercises of moderate intensity are beneficial in improving fertility. However, performing workouts of high intensity might trigger infertility in some people. Here are conclusions of a few studies:

  • Females might have an increased risk of ovulation issues if they do aerobic exercises for more than seven hours a week
  • Women would have enhanced fertility after performing moderate exercises for five hours a week
  • Workouts of high intensity or too much exercise might lower IVF success rate
  • Women with obesity may have improved fertility by performing vigorous exercises
  • Exercises of high intensity are harmful to females with an ideal weight. There would be a decrease in their fertility

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What should you do now?

Now, you have a clear idea that there is a link between exercise, fertility, and pregnancy. The best thing you should do first is to know your body. Through BMI, find whether you are underweight, overweight, or obese. Opt for moderate exercises if you have an ideal weight. On being overweight or obese, you should focus on performing workouts of high intensity that can help you lower your weight and let it come under control If you are underweight, you should focus on weight gain through your diets and workouts.

What are vigorous/strenuous, moderate, and light intensity exercises?

Weight training can be moderate or strenuous based on the weight you lift at a gym or your home. It also relates to the exercises/workouts you select to perform and the time you spend a week to perform particular workouts. There are some exercises that you can easily put in the category of vigorous and moderate. Here are some examples of heavy, strenuous, vigorous exercises:

  • CrossFit
  • High intensity interval training
  • Racquetball
  • Marathon training
  • Powerlifting
  • Running
Some examples of moderate exercises are as follows:
  • Walking
  • Raking leaves
  • Social dancing fast
  • Water aerobics
  • Jogging
  • Swimming laps
  • Bicycling
  • Light yoga poses
  • Meditation

Should you perform workouts under a trainer as per your doctor’s advice?

For general purposes, you don’t need to exercise under the guidance of a trainer or follow your doctor’s advice. You should hire a fitness trainer and follow what your doctor says if you are going to exercise to boost your fertility or have a toned body. A respective person will keep a close eye on what exercises you do for how long. The trainer will advise you what exercises you should do at what time.


Exercising is crucial for overall health. The intensity and duration of a workout has a direct impact on health. It is beneficial. It can leave negative impacts or can be harmful. The best thing is to keep your need and purpose in mind while deciding exercise type and your workout session. You will have what you expect from performing specific workouts.