The Benefits Of An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) For Your Rehabilitation


Use of drugs or alcohol is a chronic disease known as addiction. Relapses following treatment, or going back to using drugs or alcohol after a period of abstinence, are for many people another characteristic part of addiction. Regrettably, 40–60% of addicts who are in recovery relapse at some time. Drug misuse disorders have relapse rates that are equivalent to those of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.

Relapsing after a time of sobriety might be risky for two reasons:

  • That might start the damaging cycle of addiction.
  • Overdosing might happen more frequently if you relapse.

For example, someone who has stopped using opioids like heroin or painkillers for a significant period of time may be more likely to overdose after starting back up due of the consequent drop in tolerance. In essence, the level to which they had been accustomed during the height of their drug usage is now beyond the capacity of their body.

Every effort should be taken to prevent recurrence, though, since it is detrimental to a person’s recovery and health. For a protracted rehabilitation, an intense outpatient program (IOP) might be quite beneficial. In the event of a relapse, which commonly indicates the need for new or changed treatment techniques, this sort of program can also be employed as the first line of defense.

How Can An IOP Help?

For people who could benefit from more assistance than what is provided by more traditional outpatient therapy but don’t need around-the-clock inpatient care, an intense outpatient program (IOP) is a kind of addiction treatment.

Some intensive outpatient programs provide at least nine hours of therapy per week over a period of three to five days, but the exact number of hours may change depending on the individual’s requirements and the program in question. Relapse avoidance is a critical component of IOP treatment. Those who get relapse prevention training are better able to deal with cravings and triggers without using drugs or alcohol. During group and individual treatment sessions, participants in intensive outpatient programs get instruction in relapse prevention strategies.

How to Prepare for an IOP ?

Many techniques are used by intensive outpatient programs to help individuals achieve and maintain long-term sobriety. A typical IOP treatment day may include one or more group, individual, couples, or family therapy sessions. Group therapy is the cornerstone of IOP treatment. IOP programs can range in length, but the average one is about 90 days.

Transition of Caring

For the sake of keeping sobriety, the continuity of therapy must be maintained. Participants in continuous therapy do better than non-participants. A successful aftercare plan may include continuing support and social services.

Like IOPs, outpatient therapy for drug addiction recovery is likely to contain some mix of individual counseling, psychoeducation, and relapse prevention. It differs depending on the strength of the service. One or two therapy sessions per week or scheduled visits as needed would be considered more typical outpatient choices. The goals of this level of care include maintaining sobriety, developing drug refusal skills, building relationships with other sober people, improving psychological health, and addressing any unresolved issues that could otherwise cause challenges for the person.

It is essential to participate in self-help groups both before and after IOP therapy. The opportunity to engage with other recovering people who are at various stages of recovery is provided through self-help groups for people in recovery. Twelve-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous help people understand their addictions as diseases, develop a spiritual connection, and make amends for previous wrongdoings.

In addition to the 12-step program, some persons find that working with religious or faith-based organizations may be beneficial. There are other mutual help groups like SMART Recovery, which are more secular and scientific, if the idea of a “higher force” does not appeal to you.

Those who have transitioned from IOP therapy to a lower level of care might benefit from a thorough relapse prevention strategy.

Even after the program has completed, many treatment programs provide worksheets and information on preventing relapses. Fresh data updates on a regular basis might also be beneficial.

Finding Assistance

Your health and recovery depend on you learning how to prevent relapsing. Enrolling in an intense outpatient program can help you develop the abilities needed to keep your sobriety. Reach out to our highly skilled and caring team if you or someone you care about needs assistance with their addiction.

Resource Links

Outpatient Treatmen Facility

Addiction Treatment Center

Drug Rehab Center

Drug Rehab Maryland